Sap Mm Configuration Manual Pdf
Tcodes here with report also. T Code Report HeaderDescription. VA0. 0 MENUVA0. 0 Initial Sales MenuVA0. SAPMV4. 5A Create Sales OrderVA0. SAPMV4. 5A Change Sales OrderVA0. SAPMV4. 5A Display Sales OrderVA0. SAPMV7. 5A List of Sales OrdersVA0. SDBANF0. 2 Compare Sales Purchasing OrderVA0. SDBANF0. 1 Compare Sales Purchasing Org. Dt. VA1. 1 SAPMV4. A Create InquiryVA1. SAPMV4. 5A Change InquiryVA1. SAPMV4. 5A Display InquiryVA1. L SDLIEFSPE Sales Documents Blocked for DeliverVA1. SAPMV7. 5A Inquiries ListVA2. SAPMV4. 5A Create QuotationVA2. SAPMV4. 5A Change QuotationVA2. Note Your browser does not support JavaScript or it is turned off. Press the button to proceed. The SAP Community is the quickest way for users to solve problems, learn more about SAP solutions, and invent new ways to get things done. SAP MM i About the Tutorial SAP is an enterprise resource planning software that was basically designed to manage resources, information and activities that are. MESSAGETYPEUNKNOWN. Category ABAP Programming Error Runtime Errors MESSAGETYPEUNKNOWN ABAP Program CLWDRMESSAGEMANAGERCP. This Document discuss three aspects What is Strategic esourcing How it helps Mill Products and Mining Companies How SAP Ariba can enable strategic eSourcing Find out how SAP supplier relationship management SRM is used with with other SAP enterprise applications, learn about the evolution of SAP SRM, and discover the. Sap Mm Configuration Manual Pdf' title='Sap Mm Configuration Manual Pdf' />SAPMV4. A Display QuotationVA2. SAPMV7. 5A Quotations List. VA2. 6 SAPMV7. 5A Collective Processing for Quotation. VA3. 1 SAPMV4. 5A Create Scheduling Agreement. VA3. 2 SAPMV4. 5A Change Scheduling Agreement. VA3. 3 SAPMV4. 5A Display Scheduling Agreement. VA3. 5 SAPMV7. 5A List of Scheduling Agreements. VA4. 1 SAPMV4. 5A Create Contract. VA4. 2 SAPMV4. 5A Change Contract. VA4. 2W SAPMV4. 5A Workflow for master contract. VA4. 3 SAPMV4. 5A Display Contract. VA4. 4 SAPLKAZB Actual Overhead Sales Order. VA4. 5 SAPMV7. 5A List of Contracts. VA4. 6 SAPMV7. 5A Coll. Subseq. Processing f. Contracts. VA5. 1 SAPMV4. A Create Item Proposal. VA5. 2 SAPMV4. 5A Change Item Proposal. VA5. 3 SAPMV4. 5A Display Item Proposal. VA5. 5 SAPMV7. 5A List of Item Proposals. VA8. 8 SAPLKO7. 1 Actual Settlement Sales Orders. VA9. 4 RVEXSOVA Load Commodity Codes for Japan. VA9. 4X RVEXSOJ2 Load Commodity Codes for Japan. VA9. 5 RVEXREOR Merge Commodity CodeImport Code No. VBD RV1. 5C0. 05 Rebate Agreement Settlement. VB1 SAPMSNUM Rebate number ranges. VB7 RV1. 5C0. 01 Rebate Agreement Settlement. VB8 RV1. 5C0. 02 List Rebate Agreements. VBG1 SAPMV2. 3N Create Material Grouping. VBG2 SAPMV2. 3N Change Material Grouping. VBG3 SAPMV2. 3N Display Material Grouping. VBKB SAPMV1. 2A Bonus Buy Create Condition Table. VBKC SAPMV1. 2A Bonus Buy Display Condition Table. VBK0 MENUVBK0 Bonus Buy Selection. VBK1 SAPMV1. 3N Create Bonus Buy. VBK2 SAPMV1. 3N Change Bonus Buy. VBK3 SAPMV1. 3N Display Bonus Buy. VBK6 BBYDELETE Delete Bonus Buy. VBN1 SAPMV1. 3N Free goods Create SDVBN2 SAPMV1. N Free goods Change SDVBN3 SAPMV1. N Free goods Display SDVBOE RV1. C0. 06 Currency conversion rebate agreemnt. VBOF SDBONT0. 6 Rebate Update Billing Documents. VBO1 SAPMV1. 3A Create Rebate Agreement. VBO2 SAPMV1. 3A Change Rebate Agreement. VBO3 SAPMV1. 3A Display Rebate Agreement. VB0. 1 SAPMV1. 3G Create Material ListingExclusion. VB0. 2 SAPMV1. 3G Change Material ListingExclusion. VB0. 3 SAPMV1. 3G Display Material ListingExclusion. VB0. 4 SAPMV1. 3G Reference Material ListingExclusio. VB1. 1 SAPMV1. 3D Create Material Substitution. VB1. 2 SAPMV1. 3D Change Material Substitution. VB1. 3 SAPMV1. 3D Display Material Substitution. VB1. 4 SAPMV1. 3D Reference Material Substitution. VB2. 1 SAPMV1. 3A Create Sales Deal. VB2. 2 SAPMV1. 3A Change Sales Deal. VB2. 3 SAPMV1. 3A Display Sales Promotion. VB2. 5 RV1. 5C0. 04 List of Sales Deals. VB3. 1 SAPMV1. 3A Create Promotion. VB3. 2 SAPMV1. 3A Change Promotion. VB3. 3 SAPMV1. 3A Display Promotion. VB3. 5 RV1. 5C0. 03 Promotions List. VB4. 1 SAPMV1. 3D Create cross selling. VB4. 2 SAPMV1. 3D Change cross selling. VB4. 3 SAPMV1. 3D Display cross selling. VB4. 4 SAPMV1. 3D Copy cross selling. VCA SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCB SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCC SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCD SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCE SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCF SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCG SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCH SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCI SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 0. VCJ SAPL0. 43. B Sales Activity Description 1. VC1 RVDEB0. 01 List of Customers. VC2 RVKUSTA1 Customer Master Data Sheet. VCC1 RV2. 1A0. 01 Payment Cards Worklist. VCH1 SAPMV1. 3H Create Batch Search Strategy. VCH2 SAPMV1. 3H Change Batch Search Strategy. VCH3 SAPMV1. 3H Display Batch Search Strategy. VCR1 SDWETTMAT Competitive products. VCUAC SAPMV1. 3A Display Anti dumping Qty dependen. VCUAE SAPMV1. 3A Display Anti dumping Weight depen. VCUDC SAPMV1. 3A Display 3rd Country Qty dependent. Cpl Gui Pro V5'>Cpl Gui Pro V5. VCUDE SAPMV1. 3A Display 3rd Country Weight depend. VCUPC SAPMV1. 3A Display Pharma. Prod. Qty dependen. VCUPF SAPMV1. 3A Display Pharma. Prod. Weight depen. VCUP1 SAPMV1. 3A Display Preference Qty dependent. VCUP2 SAPMV1. 3A Display Preference Weight depend. VCUZC SAPMV1. 3A Display Quota Quantity dependent. Dvdfab 9 Mac Serial Key'>Dvdfab 9 Mac Serial Key. VCUZE SAPMV1. 3A Display Quota Weight dependent. VCUZP SAPMV1. 3A Display Ceilings Percentage. VCUZ1 SAPMV1. 3A Display Ceiling Quantity dependen. VCUZ2 SAPMV1. 3A Display Ceiling Weight dependent. VC0. 0 MENUVC0. 0 Sales Support. VC0. 1 SAPMV4. 3A Create Sales Activity. VC0. 1N SDCONTACTMAINEdit Sales Activity. VC0. 2 SAPMV4. 3A Change Sales Activity. VC0. 3 SAPMV4. 3A Display Sales Activity. VC0. 5 SDCAS7. 5C Sales support monitor. VC0. 6 SAPMV4. 3M Parallel Processing for Address Lis. VC1. 5 SDCASCROSSMATCrossmatching. VDDI SDEWUDEB EMU currency conversion cust. VDH1 RVKNVH0. 0 Customer Hierarchy Maintenance SDVDH1. N RVCUSTOMERHIEDisplayMaintain Customer Hierarchy. VDH2 RVKNVH0. 0 Display Customer Hierarchy. VDH2. N RVCUSTOMERHIEDisplay customer hierarchy. VD0. 1 SAPMF0. 2D Create Customer SalesVD0. SAPMF0. 2D Change Customer SalesVD0. SAPMF0. 2D Display Customer SalesVD0. SAPMF0. 1A Customer Changes SDVD0. SAPMF0. 2D Block customer salesVD0. SAPMF0. 2D Mark customer for deletion salesVD0. SAPL0. ORG Ref. doc. VD5. 1 SAPMV1. 0A Maintain Customer Material Info. VD5. 2 SAPMV1. 0A Maintain Cust Mat. Info wSelect. Scr. VD5. 3 SAPMV1. 0A Display Customer Material Info. VD5. 4 SAPMV1. 0A Display Customer Material Info. VD5. 9 RV1. 0A1. 00 List customer material info. VEA3 RVEXDEIF EXTRASTAT File Version France. VEA4 RVEXDEIF EXTRASTAT File Version France. VEA5 RVEXDEIF EXTRASTAT File Version France. VEB1 RVEX0. MAB Period end Closings Control. VEB2 RVEX0. MAB Dt. A Special Rule CountriesRegions. VEB5 RMPREF0. 4 Calculate Assemblies Individually. VEB6 RMPREF0. 3 Calculate Assemblies Collectively. VEB9 SAPMSMOD Customer Exits Print Control. VECN MENUVECN Profitability and Sales Accounting. VEFU RVEXVEF1 Foreign Trade Add INTRASTAT Data. VEFUX RVEXVEFU FT GOV Change transaction INTRASTAVEIA RVEXCUSE Create INTRASTAT CUSDEC EDI SEVEIAE RVEXCORA EXTRASTAT Archiving. VEIAI RVEXCORA INTRASTAT Archiving. VEIB RVEXCUPT Create INTRASTAT CUSDEC EDI PTVEIC RVEXCUFI Create INTRASTAT CUSDEC EDI FIVEID RVEXCULU Create INTRASTAT CUSDEC EDI LUVEIV RVEXVEX1 Foreign Trade Add EXTRASTAT Data. Fdic Honors Attorney Program. VEIW RVEXNAID Create file INTRAEXTRAKOBRAVEIX RVEXNAID Create file INTRAEXTRAKOBRAVEIY RVEXNAID Create file INTRAEXTRAKOBRAVEIZ RVEXNAID Create file INTRAEXTRAKOBRAVEI0 RVEXCUIE Create INTRASTAT CUSDEC EDI IEVEI1 RVEXIDCA Display IDoc Import. VEI2 RVEXIDCA Display IDoc Export. VEI3 SAPMV1. 3A Display Stat. Value Subcontracting. VEI4 RVEXREOR Merge Remaining Commodity Codes. VEI5 SAPMV1. 3A Create value limit subcontracting. VEI6 RSEIDOCD EDI IDoc List Import Basis. VEI7 RVEXCUGB Create INTRASTAT CUSDEC EDI GBVEI8 RVEXCUSA Create INTRASTAT CUSDEC EDI ATVEI9 RVEXCUES Create INTRASTAT CUSDEC EDI ESVEKU RVEXVEKU For. Trade Change KOBRA Documents. VEM4 RVEXREOR Merge EU Commodity Code. VEPR RMPREFDI Customs log. VEU4 RVEXSOVA Load Commodity Code Other Countries. VEU4. X RVEXSOS2 Load Commodity Code Other Countries.