Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac
Screen_Shot_2017-08-14_at_3.46.26_PM.png' alt='Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac' title='Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac' />Frequently asked questions Updraft. Plus Support. This FAQ is about trying to connect your Updraft. Central remote control dashboard to a site which has additional access restrictions beyond Word. Presss ordinary login mechanism. For example, perhaps it requires a browser password to be entered, or is restricted to specific IP addresses. Example of being asked for a browser password. KB1219_ServiceCenter.png' alt='Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac' title='Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac' />There is no one size fits all answer to this question. This is mainly because there are many different possible access restrictionsdifferent webservers are configured in different waysdifferent web browsers also behave differently andthe CORS protocol which handles direct authentication Updraft. Central, by default, connects directly from the browser to your managed site interacts with HTTP authentication in complex ways. Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac' title='Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac' />We have collected together relevant information below, based on all our testing and experience. Some of the information below is quite technical. Not all of it is relevant to every situation. You ca solve most problems just by tweaking the available options in the Updraft. Central site configuration, and, as a last resort, trying the via mothership connection mode see the relevant section below. The most common case Apache with password protection. Have a question about UpdraftPlus Premium Our Frequently asked questions explains our most common problems. Still struggling Try our Support forum. Heres the short summary of what to do in the most common case that your webserver is Apache, and protected by a password thats configured in your. In that case, just complete all of these stepsStick a lt Limit. Except container around your Require statement in. OPTIONS commands. Add some extra lines to your. Apache will send some extra headers that are needed. Wireshark is one of those programs that many network managers would love to be able to use, but they are often prevented from getting what they would like from. If you are trying to load your Waves plugins in Pro Tools 10 but you cannot find them, follow these instructions in order to make the plugins available. Turn off the Send CORS headers option in the site configuration for the site in your Updraft. Central dashboard. Heres how the. htaccess file then looks, with Apache 2. Added a rewrite to respond with a 2. SUCCESS on every OPTIONS request. Rewrite. Engine On. Rewrite. Cond REQUESTMETHOD OPTIONSRewrite. Rule. 1 R2. L,EHTTPORIGIN HTTP ORIGIN Add the necessary headers. Remember to tweak your site configuration in Updraft. Central so that Updraft. Central does not send CORS headers otherwise, there will be two sets, and it will break. Adjust the next line so that it has the address of the server that your Updraft. Central site is on, including either http or https as relevant but not the full pathHeader always set Access Control Allow Origin http localhostHeader always set Access Control Allow Methods POST, GET, OPTIONSHeader always set Access Control Max Age 1. Header always set Access Control Allow Headers authorization,x secondary user agentHeader always set Access Control Allow Credentials trueAuth. Type Basic. Auth. Name Authentication Required Adjust the next line so that it points to your. Auth. User. File homemysitepublichtml. Limit. Except OPTIONS Require valid userlt Limit. Except If this isnt your setup, then read on for the more detailed discussionSSL dashboard mothership controlling non SSL websites. If the site that your Updraft. Central dashboard is on which we call the mothership is using SSL which is the case for updraftplus. They cannot be sent direct to the site, because web browsers mixed content security policies forbid SSL sites from contacting non SSL sites. As such, regardless of what connection mode you set in the Updraft. Central settings, if you access your dashboard via SSL, then Updraft. Central will handle the connection in via mothership mode. Please bear that in mind when reading the below This being so, in this case, none of the material about CORS below will apply as explained further down. Additions changes Tempo Tapper mute option is now off by default. Added Control Creator to FL Tools menu and Control Surface popup menu. Can now use CtrlC to copy. Akai Pro MPK mini mkII How to Obtain, Download, Install, and Setup the Included Software Rate this article. Photos for macOS is a photo managing and editing application that comes free and preinstalled with every Mac operating system since OS X Yosemite in version 10. I cant log into my uhe account. What should I do now The most common reason for this is that you havent created an account at uhe yet Peter, that is a great question. And youre right, up until now I have not covered what I feel is the best file formats to save scanned photos with. New flat user interface Official Mac OS X builds with builtin updater Official Android builds with builtin updater Improved screen saver. IP address restrictions. If your webserver restricts access based upon IP addresses, then you will need to add the IP address that you are browsing from to the list of allowed IP addresses. Connections in Updraft. Image-Capture-Scan-to-Photos-540x802.jpg' alt='Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac' title='Pro Tools Rescan Plugins Mac' />Central come directly from the browser, not from the server that the Updraft. Central dashboard is installed on a. If that is not possible e. Updraft. Centrals mode to route all connections via the mothership and allow the IP address of the mothership see the section on doing so further down. In Apache 2. 4, this is done with statements like the below lt Require. All Require all granted Change the IP address on the next line to yours. Require ip 1. 2. 3. Require. All Older Apache versions have a different syntax. Browser passwords i. HTTP authenticationIf access to your website is protected by a password i. Word. Press login password but a pop up in your browser that is before you see anything from Word. Press, then Updraft. Central will need this in order to be able to connect. Settings for configuring a browser password are in the expert section of the Add Site window. They can also be edited later by editing the site configuration. Note that it is normal for your browser to also ask you to type in the username and password as well. Whether Updraft. Centrals configured password, or the one you enter in your browser directly, gets used, can depend upon some complicated under the hood interactions. You will also see the option Send CORS headers in this section. Normally, this option should be on. It tells Updraft. Central on the controlled site to set the headers that are required by the CORS protocol the protocol which controls what resources a web browser is allowed to fetch from a controlled site. However, CORS and HTTP authentication have some difficult interactions. If you are sure that you are entering the correct username and password, then you should open your web browsers developer console. If you see errors there about CORS, then try turning off this option. Note, though, that it may also be necessary to add new configuration directly to your webserver. More information on this is below. Also, you can try the Via mothership connection mode, also described below. That connection mode eliminates the complexities of the CORS protocol entirely. Setting CORS headers on password protected sites. CORS is a protocol for making sure that a web browser can only run code from authorised sites. Updraft. Central is normally able to handle all of this automatically. However, on password protected sites, there can be a chicken and egg situation Updraft. Central on the remote site cant be contacted without the password, and thus it cant set the needed authentication headers. But, without the needed authentication headers, the browser wont allow the resource to be accessed at all, and so wont even ask for the password. In many cases, Updraft. Central can detect this issue and work around it, or provide appropriate advice. This cannot be done, however, in 1. In such cases, you may need to tweak your webservers configuration to help. If you have this problem, then your web browers Java. Script console will be mentioning problems to do with CORS andor access controls. There are two important things 1 That your webserver sends CORS headers 2 That your webserver only sends one lot of CORS headers. Please read on for advice. If all else fails, then you can switch Updraft. Centrals connection mode to route all traffic via the webserver that you have Updraft. Central installed on i. Mothership see the section below on Updraft. Central connection mode. Its best to configure your webserver to not require password authentication for an HTTP OPTIONS request. These requests are used by browsers to work out whether the request is allowed. PNG vs TIFF The Format That Wont Hurt Your Scanned PhotosFrom your site and the other information Ive found on the net, I think we should scan our photo collections in TIFF, at 6. You dont cover TIFF versus other formats in your articles, but I see you are using that format and there seems to be general acceptance that it is the best format for archiving. What do you think of the PNG format Peter Fuller Wellington, New Zealand Peter, that is a great question. And youre right, up until now I have not covered what I feel is the best file formats to save scanned photos with. But, as you astutely noticed, I did sort of allude to my personal choice in a couple of my posts. Especially in some of my images I used in my 3 part naming convention series you brought up called What Everyone Ought to Know When Naming Your Scanned Photos. I think your question actually deserves a slightly more complex answer than I could normally get away with. Had you simply asked, Which do you prefer for scanning photos, the TIFF or PNG format, I would feel comfortable quickly answering you that in my humble opinion, the TIFF format is by far more superior for the purpose of scanning photos. But, since you brought up your interest in archiving your photographs, I want to make sure I elaborate a bit more to explain why our personal goals of scanning need to be considered when making the final decision which file format to save our master image files. PNG vs. TIFF Files So Which IS Better PNG files Portable Network Graphic were invented to replace the GIF format Graphics Interchange Format that was quite popular at the time for images on the internet. They really werent intended to be used for professional quality photos. Currently on the internet, you will primarily see JPEG and PNG files followed by the lingering GIFS. PNG files can only be saved compressed lossless reduces file sizecan hold an alpha channel I use PNG files here on the SYEL website a good portion of the time because they have small files sizes and I love being able to use the alpha channel. This is a fancy way of describing a compositing process where the image can have a transparent background so you can lay it on top of another image and use it as the first images background. Vice City Saved Games Bombs Away: Full Version Software. Its very cool And in case youre wondering, no, JPEG files dont do alpha channels. TIFF files Tagged Image File Format on the other hand can be opened with almost every image program its an extremely common formatcan be saved compressed or uncompressedcan store layers within great for use with Adobes high end Photoshop for examplecan hold all color, color depths and color groups like RGB and CMYKcan save 1. IPTC metadata captions etc. In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons not to use the PNG format for photo scanning and more importantly archiving photos is because its a form of compression. Its a form of compression called lossless, which as you might already know, means that your photo will be saved without having any of the data details of your photo tossed out. However, the image is still undergoing a very complex process using a mathematical algorithm to compress the file so that it will take up less space on your hard drive. So let me explain why this should be important to you. Do You Have Basic or Advanced Goals To keep it simple, if you are about to scan your entire photo collection, you are probably going to fall into one of the following two categories. First, you might be the type of person that just wants to get a good looking scan of all of your photographs as quickly and easily as possible. If you feel this might describe your needs, I like to say that you are someone with basic goals. Now dont take that the wrong way. I dont mean to say basic in a negative way. The fact that you are even wanting to scan your photos already says a lot about how much you care about your collection. When Peter brought up archiving, to me it implies hes stepping into the shoes of someone in the second category. Someone with advanced goals is a person I feel is invested from the very beginning to make the decisions that will insure everything they do throughout the workflow of scanning, correcting and managing their photos, will preserve every last bit of image quality detail they reasonably can. Those with advanced goals also are willing to sacrifice more of their time and possibly money which in many cases is not that much more for the ability to create and store these higher quality images. Let me quickly add, having advanced goals is by no means exclusive to those seeking the level of perfection a lifelong professional in the graphic arts field would produce. You dont need to be an expert to have advanced goals. We all have our own personal limitations and expectations for our collection. Settings panel when saving a TIFF file in Photoshop CS5. Mac Notice there are three compression options or none What I Really Think of Compression I believe in my heart, that if you are going to really go at archiving your entire photo collection I mean really give it your all you should scan them with adequately high DPI settings, save them raw without lots of filters and computations altering the outcome of the master image during the scan, and save and archive them uncompressed. I know this might be asking a lot of you, but the sacrifice has its rewards. If you are considering compressing your images, to save hard drive space or ease the processing load on your current computer, just know you are taking steps toward the side of people with more basic goals. I just want to make sure you understand this. Many may disagree with me, but I consider compression, even the lossless kind, to be an act of compromise to the overall integrity of your collection. The hugely popular JPEG file format Joint Photographic Experts Group also uses compression. And its even more severe because its a form of lossy compression. Lossy means your file size will typically be even smaller than that of lossless, but at the cost of reduced image quality. And once the detail is gone its gone. If youre lucky, your eye wont be able to see whats now missing. Even worse, every time you re save a JPEG as a JPEG, you are tossing out even more information in addition to the information you got rid of before. Its compounding detail loss Non destructive image managers will however automatically protect you from this additional image loss when you make edits to your photos inside. This is why I highly recommend everyone start using one. Check out Use 1 of These 4 Photo Managers If You Care About Your Photo Collection Additionally, and I know this is really more theoretical, the second you bring to the table the option of compressing your masters, you introduce a greater possibility for file corruption. Youre putting more trust in that mathematical formula to destruct your photo now and reconstruct it later than you may want to give it. Some formats have so many variant types of compression, who is to say that shareware graphics program you found one day off the internet to compress your images will be around 2. What if their proprietary scheme doesnt open correctly in the version of Photoshop you buy in the future Then what are you going to do The Best Format to Save Your Scanned Photos You are the safest saving your master images in the most common, nonproprietary format that you possible can.