Download The Italian Way To Beautiful Handwriting Pdf
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The medial s in Old Roman cursive. German handwriting Bastarda, 1. Encyclopdia Britannica, 1. Detail of a memorial in Munich, Germany, showing the text Wasser Aufsehers Gattin water attendants wife containing a long s near to a fThe long s was derived from the old Roman cursive medial s. When the distinction between majuscule uppercase and minuscule lowercase letter forms became established, toward the end of the eighth century, it developed a more vertical form. During this period, it was occasionally used at the end of a word, a practice that quickly died but that was occasionally revived in Italianprinting between about 1. Thus, the general rule that the long s never occurred at the end of a word is not strictly correct, although the exceptions are rare and archaic. The double s in the middle of a word was also written with a long s and a short s, as in Misisippi. In German typography, the rules are more complicated short s also appears at the end of each component within a compound word, and there are more detailed rules and practices for special cases. The long s is often confused with the minuscule f, sometimes even having an f like nub at its middle, but on the left side only, in various Romantypefaces and in blackletter. There was no nub in its italic typeform, which gave the stroke a descender that curled to the left and which is not possible without kerning in the other typeforms mentioned. For this reason, the short s was also normally used in combination with f for example, in atisfaction. The nub acquired its form in the blackletter style of writing. What looks like one stroke was actually a wedge pointing downward. The wedges widest part was at that height x height, and capped by a second stroke that formed an ascender that curled to the right. Those styles of writing and their derivatives in type design had a cross bar at the height of the nub for letters f and t, as well as for k. In Roman type, except for the cross bar on medial s, all other cross bars disappeared. The long s was used in ligatures in various languages. Three examples were for si, ss, and st, besides the German letter. The long s survives in Fraktur typefaces. Greek sigma also features an initialmedial and a final, which may have supported the idea of such specialized s forms. In Renaissance Europe a significant fraction of the literate class was familiar with Ancient Greek. The present day German letter Eszett or scharfes S in German also used in Low German and historical Upper Sorbian orthographies is considered to have originated in a ligature of z which is supported by the fact that the second part of the glyph usually resembles a Frakturz, or s see for more, or some Tironian notes. Some old orthographic systems of Slavonic and Baltic languages used and s as two separate letters with different phonetic values. For example, the Bohori alphabet of the Slovene language included s, s z, h, sh. In the original version of the alphabet, majuscule S was shared by both letters later a modified character became the counterpart of. Also, some Latin alphabets devised in the 1. Caucasian languages used the for some specific sounds. These orthographies were in actual use until 1. Some of these had developed a capital form which roughly resembles a smoothed variant of the letter U0. LATIN LETTER PHARYNGEAL VOICED FRICATIVE. Udi alphabet table from a 1. Decline in useeditIn general, the long s fell out of use in Roman and italic typefaces in professional printing well before the middle of the 1. It rarely appears in good quality London printing after 1. Woodhouses The Principles of Analytical Calculation, published by the Cambridge University Press in 1. Abandonment by printers and typefounderseditThe long s disappeared from new typefaces rapidly in the mid 1. Pioneer of type design John Bell 1. British Letter Foundry in 1. William Caslon Company to produce a new modern typeface for him and is often credited with the demise of the long s. The 1. Printers Grammar describes the transition away from the use of the long s among typefounders and printers in its list of available sorts The introduction of the round s, instead of the long, is an improvement in the art of printing equal, if not superior, to any which has taken place in recent years, and for which we are indebted to the ingenious Mr. Bell, who introduced them in his edition of the British Classics published in the 1. They are now generally adopted, and the typefounders scarcely ever cast a long s to their fonts, unless particularly ordered. Indeed, they omit it altogether in their specimens. They are placed in our list of sorts, not to recommend them, but because we may not be subject to blame from those of the old school, who are tenacious of deviating from custom, however antiquated, for giving a list which they might term imperfect. An individual instance of an important work using s instead of the long s occurred in 1. Joseph Ames Typographical Antiquities, about printing in England 1. John Bells British Theatre 1. In Spain, the change was mainly accomplished between the years 1. Espaa Sagrada made the switch with volume 1. In France, the change occurred between 1. Printers in the United States stopped using the long s between 1. Congress were published with the long s throughout 1. In the U. S., a late use of the long s was in Lows Encyclopaedia, which was published between 1. Its reprint in 1. America. And the statutes of the United Kingdoms colony Nova Scotia also used the long s as late as 1. Some examples of the use of the long and short s among specific well known typefaces and publications in the UK include the following The Caslon typeface 1. The Caslon typeface 1. In the UK, The Times of London made the switch from the long to the short s with its issue of 1. September 1. 80. 3. The Catherwood typeface 1. Encyclopdia Britannicas 5th edition, completed in 1. The 1. 82. 3 6th edition uses the modern s. The Caslon typeface 1. Two typefaces from Stephenson Blake, both 1. When the War of 1. S by the United States, and its continued use by the United Kingdom, is illustrated by the Twelfth U. S. Congress use of the short S of today in the U. S. declaration of war against the United Kingdom, and in contrast, the continued use of long s within the text of Isaac Brocks counterpart document responding to the declaration of war by the United States. Early editions of Scottish poet Robert Burns that have lost their title page can be dated by their use of the long s that is, Dr. James Curries edition of the Works of Robert Burns Liverpool, 1. In printing, instances of the long s continue in rare and sometimes notable cases in the U. K. until the end of the 1. For example,Eventual abandonment of the long s in handwritingeditAfter its decline and disappearance in printing in the early years of the 1. In handwriting used for correspondence and diaries, its use for a single s seems to have disappeared first most manuscript examples from the 1.