Alt.Net Tools Night 7
ALT. NET Story Night February 2. Tickets, Tue, Feb 7, 2. Eventbrite Shay Friedman presents ALT. NET Story Night February 2017 Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at Citi Innovation Labs, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District. Find event and. ATL ALT. NET Pub Night. Select practices and tools that enable us to deliver the best. See all Meetups from ALT. NET Atlanta Pragmatic Programmers. Create a. On Monday I attended the 2nd ALT. NET tool night IL в and it was a blast There were 2030 of us. NET developers who decided to take the time and learn about new. Alt.Net Tools Night 7' title='Alt.Net Tools Night 7' />PMWHATThis is a one evening event, during which a few topics are presented, in short sessions 3. This encourages a no bullsht type of knowledge sharing, through which attendees get highly valuable content, in a focused manner. WHENTuesday, February 7th, 1. WHERECiti Innovation Lab TLV, Building 8, 3rd floor, Kiriat Atidim, Tel Aviv Yafo. AGENDAOMG rockets are falling all over IsraelOh oops its just Shays fake test data Shay FriedmanSo you thought that outsourcing is hard Lior FriedmanFeature SwitchesGradual RolloutAB Experiments story Omri FimaMore information can be found on the event website http altnet. Alt.Net Tools Night 7' title='Alt.Net Tools Night 7' />ATL ALT. NET Pub Night Trinking and Dhinking Dont Mix ALT. NET Atlanta Pragmatic Programmers Atlanta, GAHello fellow. NET pragmatic programmers If you are interested in starting an ALT. NET group here in Atlanta, please join me at Thinking Man Tavern in Decatur for a couple hours of drinking and thinking The topics for discussion will be up to participants. YTObUx.png' alt='Alt.Net Tools Night 7' title='Alt.Net Tools Night 7' />ALT. How To Install Cgi Proxy on this page. NET 05. Dec. 2010 ALT. NET Israel Tools night 3. This event is planned to start at 530 pm on Dec 16, 2010 at Sears Israel in Herzliya B, Israel. Alt. net tools night January 2010 Showing 113 of 13 messages. January 2010 Ken Egozi 1710 922 AM WHAT This is a oneevening event. This is a oneevening event, during which 45 topics are presented, in short sessions 1525 minutes each, on focused issues, usually involving the specific use of a. Alt.Net Tools Night 7' title='Alt.Net Tools Night 7' />I imagine most people will be interested in things like Agile http www. Scrum http www. Agile Estimation and Planning http www. Alt.Net Tools Night 7' title='Alt.Net Tools Night 7' />User Stories http www. Test Driven Development and Automation http en. Test drivendevelopment TDDDesign Patterns http en. DesignpatterncomputerscienceMock Objects http en. MockobjectContinuous Integration http martinfowler. Integration. html CIASP. NET Model View Controller Framework http en. ASP. NETMVCFramework MVCAJAX http en. AJAXObject Relational Mapping http en. Object relationalmapping ORMDependency Injection http martinfowler. DIDomain Driven Design http en. Domain drivendesign DDDBehavior Driven Development http en. Behaviordrivendevelopment BDDOpen Space Technology http en. OpenSpaceTechnologyIf you are not familiar with the ALT. NET concept, check out these links first http altnetpedia. Resources. ashxhttp www. I made a wiki for Atlanta at http atlalt. Main. Page. ashxWe aim to create a community of developers in Atlanta dedicated to helping each other learn and apply the best of. NET technologies. Our goals are pragmatic in and nature and support this vision 1. Support one another in our individual and collective quests for continuous learning and improvement. Be pragmatic about the practices and tools we use in building our. NET applications. Select practices and tools that enable us to deliver the best quality andor value to our customers. I am very interested in is learning about the immense collection of knowledge contained in the books and resources listed at http altnetpedia. Resources. ashx. Ive also started collecting some related links at http atlalt. High Performance2. Teams. ashx about Agile and Scrum. Hope to see you soon,Josh.