Air Force Reserve Deserving Airman Program
Letters of Admonishment or Reprimand Yep were all just one big, happy, HAM Club on a field day. No expectations, no ramifications for failed performance, no disciplinary actions when people are negligent or willful. Just do what you want, show up when you feel like it, and wear whatever you want. How To Install Windows Xp On Dell Gx260 Graphics on this page. Get real, this is a volunteer organization Go join the military if you want give out all this disciplinary BS. Frankly what you think is negligent just might not be seen the same by others that can be more objective. The volunteers I know and respect arent going out to do anything willful against CAP. Surely we have all that administrative mumbo jumbo that we have to spend our valuable limited volunteer time complying with. Maybe everything wont be exactly correct, when the IG checklist charlies come in and inspect us BUT most will give a strong effort to meet the intent of every program requirements. Although, I would think that for a very limited number in leadership positions, due to their demeanor and treatment of their volunteers, likely set themselves up for their members screwing with them, BUT likely it is more of a volunteer passive resistance by pulling back or limiting active participation or transferring somewhere else. So those units faced with staffing issues and mission personnel available, likely have leadership problems that are contributing to the short falls. Simply treat others the way you want to be treated goes a long way in any organization. As far as amateur ham radio is concerned, theres some volunteers that are very dedicated to disaster type support, including the NWS sky warn program, and have been doing that for many, many years on a local, regional, national, and even international basis and are deserving of respect. Theres even military reservistsair reserve technicians and state police support personnel, that are involved in these programs in at least 4 of the counties in my state area that Im aware of. For the most part there really isnt any uniforms being worn by them except IF they are a CERT team member their may be a colored bright vest. Theres is some limited classroom type training involved that can readily be put into use, as well as weekly practical emergency communications practice nets both VHF repeater VHF simplex, and HFSSB, so participants have a good understanding of what works, where but other than getting licensed, it aint like CAPs train for the sake of training programs, with little chance of use. BTW Ive never heard of a CAP mission failing because someone decided to wear a golf shirt rather than one of our military type uniforms. Personally, on fast emergency response requirements, I think a simple ANSI vest that says Civil Air Patrol on it is sufficient as a CAP uniform. Some of you actually believe that somehow someone that is going to be disciplined with all this written documentation, LOA, LOR please cite the regulation that allows you to even do this and the format required, and the individuals responserights, especially as it applies to CAPs compliance with all those discrimination laws is actually going to stick around and take more of it. Of course their not, and likely they will give you the salute you may be deserving of as they leave. You can also bet they are going to talk down the program to everyone they meet RM. Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. Interestingly I noticed that the Adverse Actions Committee was talking about the retention of these documents in someones file. Is this type of documentation of. Karol Madera, psychotic, criminal, fraud, military impostor, ham radio operator. Summary of Action Examples. Ref SECNAVINST 1650. H, Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual. Because each award recommendation is evaluated on the merits of the. The awards and decorations of the Civil Air Patrol are designed to recognize heroism, service, and program achievements of members of the Civil Air Patrol CAP of.